
Celebrate your birthday in style

Pull off the best birthday ever with Evenchilada and our most complete events menu. We have everything you need to celebrate the perfect birthday. Check out our full menu for everything we offer and then make a booking!

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Customer love

See what some of our latest customers had to say

Alex was great! She was engaging, respectful, and energetic. The time flew by and she gave everyone space to participate however they were comfortable. She was fantastic!!
Feedback from the team was great! We thoroughly enjoyed the experience and Alex was a great host. After this long in a pandemic and working virtually, it's great to have so many new and interesting events to choose from. We will definitely use Evenchilada again in the future.
Just Eat
The event was good fun, everyone enjoyed it! Thanks again for a smooth experience.
Our team truly enjoyed the activity and it was nice to have a chance to meet with everyone.
Doctors of BC
It was a great event--we had really good feedback and especially that the host did a great job
Global Logic
Yesterday was so fun! Everyone had a great time. Professor Jim was amazing!!! I was on the winning team! WHOOP! Also nothing but praise from our side. It was very well organized and very easy to follow along!,
The team-building piece was great, allowing our team to talk in small groups and the ice breaker was great. We got all we wanted out of the event.
Everything was amazing! Thank you! Our reps had a great time and thank you.
WP Engine
The feedback from the session was great, I think everyone really enjoyed the event :)
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