How it works!

Step 1:

Head to our booking page by clicking the red box in the top right corner. Select ‘Music Mix'. Then one of our Event Specialists will contact you to complete the booking.

Step 2:

We will send you a personalized set of instructions for you to send to your co-workers so they can prepare for some awesome Music Mix action!

Step 3:

For virtual events get yourself a drink and a comfy chair then log into your virtual conferencing platform of choice. If you’re in person, you just need to worry about the refreshing drink and we’ll take care of everything else!

Step 4:

Enjoy Evenchilada’s Music Mix!

What you need for virtual events:

• A computer with reliable internet

• Access to our scoring platform

• A tasty drink and a snack!

Maybe include a “Side Dish” to enhance your event!
Evenchilada Feature Event

Check out our featured video

Everything you always wanted to know

Music Mix 🥁

Music Mix is one of our original, most popular combos and an event experience that you can’t find anywhere else. Go ahead and try, we’re not going anywhere. You get our classic music bingo, you get some music trivia with audio and visual questions, you get music-themed Pictionary!!! We’d give you more, but you’d explode!!!

Whether you work with a remote team or are back in the office, Evenchilada’s Music Mix is a great way to enjoy some time with your co-workers outside of work hours. 

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See how fun we are!

Thank you, we had a great time on Friday! Jim was great, keeping everything moving and adapting his timings to fit how things were going.
Audio Analytic
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Music Mix 🥁

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Timeline for a standard event
5 minutes
1st Round
20 minutes
2nd Round
20 minutes
3rd Round
20 minutes
Wrap Up
5 minutes
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We will get back to you and respond to your booking within one business day.

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